Any marketing copywriter for the past century will tell you that calls to action are essential to getting your target audience to respond to your ads. This is true with the Arabic language as well. If you’re not asking Arabic speakers to take some sort of action in response to your ads you are very unlikely to have success with your marketing campaigns. The problem is a great deal of Arabic marketing done today is often either translated directly from English by translators who don’t properly translate the tense of calls to action or alternatively the ads are written directly by Arab marketers who haven’t studied calls to action and their power to drive marketing results.
Below is our extensive list of Arabic call to action phases. Please note that these calls to action may change based on whether you are speaking to a male, a female, or a group. In fact we believe that Arabic calls to action can be more powerful than English ones because they allow you to speak more directly to the gender of your audience in a short and concise way.
Translation | Arabic Call to Action |
Attend | احضر |
Add | أضف |
Answer | أجب |
Arrange | رتب |
Attract | اجذب |
Begin | ابدأ |
Book | احجز |
Bring | احضر |
Buy | اشتري |
Call | اتصل |
Cancel | الغِ |
Challenge | تحدى |
Change | غير |
Check | تأكد |
Choose | اختار |
Click Here | اضغط |
Come | تعال |
Compare | قارن |
Comment | اكتب |
Communicate | تواصل |
Compete | نافس |
Complete | أكمل |
Connect | اتصل |
Continue | استمر |
Collect | جمع |
Control | تحكم |
Copy | انسخ |
Decide | قرر |
Deliver | سلِّم |
Develop | طور |
Discover | اكتشف |
Download | حمل |
Edit | عدِّل |
Enjoy | استمتع |
Enter | ادخل |
Experience | اكتسب |
Face | واجه |
Feel | اشعر |
Fix | أصلح |
Follow | تابع |
Get | احصل |
Grab | انتهز |
Go | اذهب |
Guarantee | اضمن |
Help | ساعد |
Hire | عين |
Improve | حسِّن |
Increase | زود |
Install | حمل |
Invest | استثمر |
Invite you | ندعوكم |
Join | التحق |
Learn | تعلم |
Let | أطلق |
Listen | استمع |
Manage | أدر |
Maximize | كبر |
Meet | تقابل |
Move | انتقل |
Offer | اعرض |
Open | افتتح |
Order now | اطلب |
Organize | نظم |
Own | امتلك |
Plan | خطط |
Practice | تمرن |
Prepare | استعد |
اطبع | |
Protect | احم |
Purchase | اشتري |
Reach | حقق |
Read | اقرأ |
Request | اطلب |
Repair | أصلح |
Reserve | احجز |
Save | ادخر |
Search | ابحث |
See it in action | شاهد |
Sell | بع |
Share | شارك |
Shop | تسوق |
Sign up | سجل |
Skip | تخطى |
Solve | حل |
Spend | اقض |
Support | ادعم |
Start | ابدأ |
Stop | توقف |
Subscribe | اشترك |
Surprise | فاجئ |
Taste | تذوق |
Test | اختبر |
Tell us | أخبرنا |
Think | فكر |
Train | تدرب |
Try | جرب |
Update | حدث |
Use | استخدم |
Visit | زر |
Vote | صوت |
Watch | شاهد |
Wear | ارتدي |
Write | اكتب |
There are probably other Arabic calls to action that we for specific purposes that we missed but this list is will probably be useful for 95% of businesses.
Want to discover our top 10 best performing calls to action in Arabic. Sign up for our email list to get this list along with other useful insights for marketing in the Arab world.
Jordan Boshers
Jordan Boshers is the Chief Digital Strategist at IstiZada, a digital agency that helps companies market to Arabs. He has 12+ years of experience running successful digital marketing campaigns in the Arab world. His insights into Arabic SEO helped him grow previously unknown websites to dominate Arabic niches on Google including growing one site from 0 to more than 2.5 million users monthly. Jordan has consulted for hundreds of companies including helping corporations like Amazon, Berlitz, and Exxon Mobil with their Arabic digital marketing. Learn more here or on LinkedIn.
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