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Arabic Content Marketing Services

Looking for great Arabic content that will get you noticed and get you Arabic links back to your site? Are you searching for a way to get that content out in front of a variety of different audiences to drive brand awareness and traffic back to your site? IstiZada knows how to do Arabic content marketing well.

What is content marketing

Content marketing is the process of creating amazing content and then syndicating it through all the right channels to get exposure for the content and your company. Like anywhere else in the world Arabic speakers love good content so it’s essential to have not only a strong Arabic content marketing strategy but to also be creating good content on a regular basis.

Producing Arabic content is also important because it’ll put you at the forefront of the trend. Despite being the 5th most spoken language in the world, the importance of Arabic content is only recently being recognized. As countries in the MENA region continue to explode in terms of technological and business progression, producing Arabic content is a way to get an edge over your competitors who may only be marketing to the region in English.

Is marketing in Arabic worth it?

You might be wondering if putting the time and money into producing high-quality Arabic marketing content is really worth it. The quick answer is that it is: e-commerce is also doing extraordinarily well in the Middle East, and major companies like Amazon have realized the potential of this market with their recent launches in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt. Amazon Riyadh Front You might be wondering if putting the time and money into producing high-quality Arabic marketing content is really worth it. The quick answer is that it is: e-commerce is also doing extraordinarily well in the Middle East, and major companies like Amazon have realized the potential of this market with their recent launches in Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Egypt.

Kinds of Content Marketing

Blog Posts Well-written blog posts can get picked up and shared all over the web.  Well-written Arabic blog posts are anywhere from 300 to 1000 words or more in length.  These posts tend to be on intriguing subjects that are often funny, inspiring, controversial, or just cute. Blog posts must have good visibility on the web and be sharable to reach as many Middle Easterners as possible. arabic content marketing for blog Articles Good Arabic articles aren’t all that different from blog posts.  In general, an article can be much longer than a blog post and typically doesn’t reside on a blog.  Articles are usually syndicated through various online networks but which networks they get picked up on is an extremely important factor as to whether it will drive traffic to your site or have a positive SEO impact for your online rankings. arabic article marketing Images Images are self-explanatory but not everyone understands the power of an image online.  We all have seen images of cute cats that get shared like crazy all around the web.  Images must be something interesting, inspirational, hilarious, or even just downright adorable to get shared in a way that is going to drive traffic and links to your site. Infographics Infographics are visual representations of information or statistical data. Typically an infographic condenses a variety of complicated statistics on the same topic into a visual format so it can be more easily understood. Good Arabic infographics are hard to come by, and the fact that Arabic is a right-to-left language certainly poses some challenges for creating infographics, as you can’t really just change the language of the text if you are basing it off of an English model, you have to reformat the template to make sure the text formatting is correct and easy to read. Infographic Samples More Infographic Samples Videos With the second largest search engine on the planet being YouTube no one should underestimate the power of video in our world today. Even more so, the Middle East is hands-down the region that consumes the most video content when it comes to YouTube: the top 5 countries in the world for YouTube reach are Lebanon, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the UAE. Well-done short video clips on topics that interest Arabic Internet users are powerful pieces of content that can bring you links, traffic, and online recognition. Arabic YouTube Videos Social Media Posts Ask any young person where they consume the most content on the internet, and they’ll most likely give you the same answer-social media. As we discussed above, the Middle East is no exception and in fact, an extreme example of this. Social media content is an essential form of content marketing especially for a Middle Eastern audience. Instagram posts can create direct leads from visitors to your page. And by appealing to a young Arabic audience, you’ll make your brand much more relatable to more consumers in the MENA region than solely English content creators. Social Media Icons

Why pick IstiZada for your Arabic content marketing

We know your audience

IstiZada knows the Middle East and we know what makes content catchy. Every content marketing project starts with audience research before we write a single word of content. If your content doesn’t get in front of your Arabic-speaking potential customer base then we aren’t doing our job correctly.

We have Arabic speaking connections online

Without the proper connections, your amazing content never gets noticed, you never get good links back to your site and you never increase relevant traffic to your site. IstiZada makes developing and maintaining the right connections online a priority so you can be sure your content is engaging a large audience online.

We have the creative team to take on any Arabic content 

From blog posts to infographics, to video clips and social media posts, IstiZada has the creative resources for your content marketing campaigns.


Professional Project Management

IstiZada utilizes bi-lingual project managers to bring you the best level of customer service in English while maintaining the ability to give you valuable insights about Arabic content and Middle Eastern culture. Built on a foundation of agile project management, IstiZada can get your project done on time and with the level of quality you’d expect from a top-tier marketing firm.

Our Content Marketing Process

Understand the business & the brand

All our campaigns start with understanding what your company and brand are all about. Without a deep understanding of these elements no marketing campaign will be successful.

Understand the market

In this phase we spend time analyzing your target market. We dig into elements such as what are your target market’s demographics, needs, wants and desires.

Understand where your audience spends their time online

Once we have a good grasp of who your target market is we do an in-depth analysis of where your target audience spends their time online. This is very important because once we know where they spend their time we can avoid wasting your marketing spend on sites and networks that won’t produce a return on investment.

Build Relationships

With a clear knowledge of the sites and networks that are most used by your audience we start developing relationships with influential members of those communities online so we will have a receptive audience to share and syndicate your content with once it is created.

Determine what is valuable content

Having established relationships on the most worthwhile networks we monitor these channels to come up with content that is both valuable and shareable to members of these networks.

Create the content 

Once we have the content ideas and topics we spend time putting together rich Arabic blog posts, Arabic infographics, and other kinds of great Arabic content.

Syndicate the content 

Using the connections we have developed and the newly created content we syndicate and share your content across the web and online networks.

Services you might consider combining with Arabic content marketing

Jordan Boshers is the Chief Digital Strategist at IstiZada, a digital agency that helps companies market to Arabs. He has 12+ years of experience running successful digital marketing campaigns in the Arab world. His insights into Arabic SEO helped him grow previously unknown websites to dominate Arabic niches on Google including growing one site from 0 to more than 2.5 million users monthly. Jordan has consulted for hundreds of companies including helping corporations like Amazon, Berlitz, and Exxon Mobil with their Arabic digital marketing. Learn more here or on LinkedIn.

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